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The following is taken from Pillar 3 of Jump! by Cecilia Lipovsek

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According to the rule of seven it takes about seven points of contact or interaction with your brand through different channels, which can include people mentioning you or your work, for someone to start trusting you and be willing to buy from you. That’s right, seven…

So, before we dive into content, channels, and tools, here are the three key considerations that dictate how to better approach your Tube Line/audience: 

• Do not educate, but raise awareness instead – As conference interpreters, the people we get to translate for are usually prominent figures in their own fields. They are already educated and prominent on their own. They do not need us to come and ‘complete’ their education by lecturing them on their lack of knowledge about what interpreters do. Not only do they not care, but it is also incredibly arrogant of us. Plus, people just tune out and stop listening when us, interpreters, or anyone else goes on lecturing mode; so, it is basically a complete waste of time.

• Stop marketing and start helping – People only care about themselves (you and I only care about ourselves, too), plus remember the bridesmaid thing? There is a place for you to talk about yourself in your marketing (your story, bio, and about page), but the bulk of your marketing should be aimed at helping your audience achieve their goals. When people get results, they stay. it really is as simple as that. 

• Show up frequently – Frequency builds trust and trust turns strangers into friends. If people are familiar with your face, they will prefer you to a random interpreter that is unknown to them. We will see in a moment how you can use tools to streamline and automate your marketing so that you can be present without having to be live. Actually, getting to interact with you ‘live’ should come at a premium.