There are very few CPD books for practising conference interpeters. I’ve tried to compile them here.
This page is work in progress so feel free to send in suggestions
You can find extensive reading lists for initial skills (consecutive & simultaneous) at Interpreter Training Resources
Being a successful interpreter
Jonathan Downie
A practical and wide-ranging guide to improving your work and professional life. This was the first CPD book for conference interpreters and is well worth a read.
Cecilia Lipovsek
“Inspired by the London Underground system, THE TERPRENEUR™ METHOD seeks to make it easy for fellow conference interpreters to enjoy the career of their dreams by helping them build a profitable business around their strengths and preferred lifestyle.”
Conference Interpreting – A complete course
Robin Setton & Andrew Dawrant
This comprehensive book for students and trainers contains chapters on professional practice and ethics that are very useful for novice interpreters.
Extract: where to find work
Extract: pro-bono work here
Extract: What’s an option, what’s an offer?
“Exemplarisch werden auch die besonderen Anforderungen an angestellte Dolmetschern sowohl in der Wirtschaft als auch im öffentlichen Dienst vorgestellt.
Speziell an freiberuflich tätige Kolleginnen und Kollegen wenden sich Kapitel zur Kundengewinnung, Kalkulation, Verhandlungsführung, Vertragsgestaltung und Selbstvermarktung…”
The Entrepreneurial Linguist
Judy & Dagmar Jenner
A guide to setting up your business as a freelance linguist

The Prosperous Translator
compiled & edited by Chris Durban
Very practical, astute and goal-oriented ideas for earning a real living out of skilled translation work. I haven’t finished it yet but so far this book is all business common sense and actionable advice.
“Wer sich in der Dolmetscher- und Übersetzerbranche selbstständig machen möchte, hat Hunderte Fragen… Dieses Buch bietet Berufseinsteigern, aber auch „alten Hasen“ Informationen zu allen Belangen rund um die Arbeit als selbstständiger Dolmetscher”

The Online Presence Roadmap: A Practical Guide to Confident Online Marketing for Translators and Interpreters
Madalena Sanchez Zampaulo
“The Online Presence Roadmap is for translators and interpreters who don’t know where to start or lack confidence when it comes to marketing their businesses online. It’s for those who want to be successful by learning to build their online presence strategically and in a way that feels natural and sustainable.”

Interpreting in the Zone: How the Conscious and Unconscious Function in Interpretation,
by Jack Hoza
A wide-ranging book about the workings of interpreting includes several chapters (4, 5 and 9) on professional development. The starting point is sign-language but this book is very useful and relevant to conference interpreters of spoken languages.